Saturday, June 20, 2020

[Review] Brown Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar 黑糖珍奶雪糕條

Brown Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar 
Taiwanese Ice cream company, Xiao Mei, has taken the world by storm when they recreate the popular brown sugar boba drink in the form of ice cream bar.  Besides keeping the strong fragrant creamy brown sugar taste, they are able to keep the boba soft and chewy (QQ) as well.

台灣雪糕公司小美以雪糕條的形式重新製作了流行的黑糖珍珠奶茶口味,震驚了整個世界。除了保持濃郁的香滑奶油黑糖味道外,它們還可以使珍珠保持柔軟和煙韌 (QQ)。

The brown sugar boba ice cream bar are definitely hard to come by because they are constantly sold out after the stores restock.  I was able to find this yummy treat that is perfect for the hot summer weather in San Francisco.  I've seen the price range from $5.99-$10 USD per box.  Each box contains 4 ice cream bars.  They are available in many Asian stores in the city but cheapest would be in Chinatown.

小美黑糖珍奶雪糕條現時還是很難買到,因為它們在商店補貨後不斷賣光。找到這種零食非常適合現時三藩市炎熱的夏季天氣。每盒價錢從$ 5.99美元到$ 10美元不等。每盒包含4條雪糕條。它們在許多亞洲商店都有售,但最便宜的價錢在唐人街。

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