Sunday, June 7, 2020

[Review] Hinata 鮨's Omakase

Hinata 鮨
Address (地址):  810 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone (電話): (415) 829-8291
Hours (營業時間): Tuesday-Sunday 6:00-10:00pm, closed Monday
Price (價錢): $$$
Cuisine Type (美食類型): Sushi Bar (壽司吧), Japanese (日式)
Reservation (預約): Yes (可預訂)
Website (網站): Yes (有)

Hinata (鮨) is one of the very few Japanese restaurants in San Francisco that offer fresh and affordable omakase to their customers.  Below is the menu that I was able to try when I visited the restaurant.  Pictures of the omakase is displayed in the above collage.  Hinata's omakase offers a 4 course meal containing 18 items.  Menu constantly change based on availability.

Hinata (鮨) 是舊金山為數不多的日本餐廳向其顧客提供新鮮且價格合理的 omakase。 下面是我去過該餐廳時嘗試的菜單。 Hinata的omakase提供4道菜的餐點,含18種菜餚。菜單會根據供應情況而不斷變化。

Hokkaido tofu with ginger, wasabi salmon roe 
北海道豆腐與 姜,芥末, 鮭魚子
Snow crab with wakame, cucumber
雪蟹與 海藻, 黃瓜
Seared Hokkaido scallop with miso aioli
煎北海道扇貝與 味噌蛋黃醬
Vinegar cured fresh Okinawa silky seaweed

Kanpachi amber jack 琥珀魚
Hirami flounder 比目魚
Hon Maguro blue fin tuna 藍鰭金槍魚
Umi masu ocean trout 海鱒
Hotaru Ika baby firefly squid 小螢火魷魚
kasugodai baby red snapper 小紅鯛魚
Shima Aji striped jack 條紋鯖魚
Sakura masu cherry blossom trout 櫻鱒
Sawara Spanish mackerel smoked w/cherry wood 鯖魚煙熏櫻桃木
Kinmedai golden eye snapper 金眼鯛魚
Negitoro fatty blue fin tuna with pickle daikon 肥藍鰭金槍魚與醃白蘿蔔 
Chu Toro medium fat blue fin tuna  中等肥藍鰭金槍魚金槍魚

Fish broth with red miso, nameko and mitsuba
魚湯配紅味噌, 滑子蘑 與日本三葉香菜

Yuzu sherbet or
Black sesame ice cream or
Matcha panna cotta w/ okinawa black sugar syrup

We made a reservation over the phone few days prior to the visit and got the first seating of the evening.  On the day of the reservation, we arrived 5 minutes before 6pm and were seated immediately at the table.  The server promptly provided water for us to drink and a hot towel to clean our hands.  Then, we were given a menu containing what will be in today's omakase.  


In just a few minutes, the server brought in a long plate containing the 4 beautifully displayed appetizers.  Once we finished the appetizers, the server brought in the first two pieces of nigiri.  It took about 1 hour for us to finish all 12 pieces of nigiri (2 pieces were served each time every ~10 minutes).  After eating the last piece of nigiri, the attentive server set down the owan on the table.  Out of the 3 desserts, we decided to go with Yuzu sherbet and Black sesame ice cream.  Finally, we decided to end the meal without ordering extra items from the ala cart menu.  After finishing the omakase, I was neither full nor hungry.  It was on point for me since I don't like to stuff myself for dinner.  Overall, it took us almost 2 hours to finish the omakase. 

短短幾分鐘內,服務員帶來一個長碟。長碟裡放了4碟不同精美的頭盆小菜。吃完頭盆小菜後,服務員帶來前兩塊的手握寿司。我們花了大約1個小時來吃完12塊的手握寿司(~每10分鐘送出2塊)。吃完最後一塊的手握寿司, 細心的服務員放下味噌湯。 從3種甜品中,我們選擇了柚子果子露和黑芝麻雪糕。 最後,我們決定結束用餐,而沒有從 點菜菜單加額外的食物。吃完omakase後,我既不飽也不餓。我覺得這餐飯是剛剛好的,因為我不 喜歡吃得太飽。總體,我們花了接近2個小時才吃完這個omakase。

If this is your first time trying out omakase, check out Hinata especially for special occasions like birthday and anniversary.  The restaurant was clean, simple with relaxing interior design.  From appetizer to dessert, I really enjoyed the display and taste of each dish.  Each dish was unique, fresh and flavorful.   Hinata's chef uses fresh ingredients of the day and the price of the omakase is very reasonable compared to other omakase in the city.    

 如果這是您第一次嘗試omakase,去看看Hinata,尤其是特殊場合如生日和周年紀念日等。 該餐廳很乾淨,簡單和擁有輕鬆的室內設計。從頭盆小菜甜品,我很喜歡每道菜的展示和口味。每道菜都是獨特,新鮮和美味。Hinata的廚師使用當天的新鮮食材和他們omakase的價格與市內其他omakase相比是非常合理

Due to shelter in place order in San Francisco, Hinata is only available for take out.
因為舊金山居家避疫令, Hinata現時只有外


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