Friday, June 12, 2020

[Recipe] Sausage Bun Regular + Mini Version 腸仔包 普通+迷你版

How to Make Sausage Bun 
Regular + Mini Version  
如何做腸仔包 普通+迷你版
Ingredient 材料
 Active dry yeast 3 grams 酵母 3 克
 Sugar 1 gram 糖 1 克
 Warm water 1/4 cup or 59 grams 溫水 1/4 杯  59
 All purpose flour 1/4 cup or 32 grams 通用麵粉 1/4 杯或 32克

 All purpose flour 170 grams 通用麵粉 170克
 Warm milk 1/4 cup or 61 grams 溫牛奶 1/4杯  61
 28 grams 糖  28克
 Salt 0.5 gram 鹽 0.5克
 Unsalted butter (melted) 28 grams 無鹽牛油(融化) 28克
 Egg 1/2 an egg 雞蛋 半個
 Yeast dough  酵母麵團 

 Hot dog 6 (Regular)/4 (Mini)/5.5 pieces(4 Regular+6 Mini) 熱狗  6(普通)/4(迷你)/5.5(4普通+6迷你)
 Egg 1/2 an egg 雞蛋 半個

This recipe can make 6 regular size sausage buns or 16 mini version of it.  I was able to make 4 regular size sausage buns and 6 minis.

 此食譜可以製作6個普通腸仔包或16個迷你腸仔包。用這個食譜, 我做了4個普通腸仔包和6個迷你版。


Combine 1/4 cup (59 grams) of warm water, 3 grams of active dry yeast and 1 gram of sugar into a cup/bowl.  Mix them together and you will start to see bubbles from the mixture.  Cover it with a saran wrap and let it sit for 10 minutes.  After 10 minutes, it will develop a thick cloudy layer on the top.

將1/4杯 (59克)溫水,3克酵母和1克糖混合在一個杯子/碗中。將它們混合在一起後,您會開始看到氣泡。用保鮮膜掩蓋,將其放置10分鐘。10分鐘後,將形成一層厚的渾濁層。

Add 1/4 cup (32 grams) of All purpose flour to the mixture.  Mix it and it will turn into a creamy texture.  Again, cover it with saran wrap and let it sit for another 15 minutes.  After 15 minutes, the yeast dough will be done.

加入1/4 (32克) 通用麵粉。混合後它會變成奶油質地。再次用保鮮膜掩蓋,再靜置15分鐘。 15分鐘後,將完成酵母麵團。


Sift out 170 grams for All purpose flour.  Add in 1/4 cup (61 grams) of warm milk, 28 grams of sugar and 0.5 gram of salt.

篩出170克通用麵粉。加入1/4杯 (61克)溫牛奶,28克糖和0.5克鹽。

Add in 28 grams of melted butter, 1/2 an egg and yeast dough.  Then, mix it with a silicone spatula to help with sticking of the dough.


After mixing the mixture for 5 minutes with the silicone spatula, it will turn into a sticky dough (Pic 1).  Now, knead the dough with your hands.  After kneading for 5 minutes, the dough will start to form (Pic 2) and become less sticky but don't stop.   Knead for another 10 minutes, it will look like pic 3.  The dough will become more dense and doesn't stick to the bowl or your hands.  Now, cover it with a saran wrap and let it rest.  After resting for 45 minutes, you will notice the dough has double in size (Pic 4).


Take out the fermented bread dough and place it on a flat surface.  Flatten the dough to get the air out.  If you are making the regular size sausage buns, cut the dough into 6 pieces.  Each dough will weight about 55-60 grams.  Then, roll each dough into a ball.  Using both hands, roll the dough and it will start to elongate.  Wrap each elongated dough around the hot dog for 3 times.  


If you are making the mini version, cut it into 16 pieces.  Each dough will weight about 25-30 grams.  Since I didn't have mini hot dogs, I cut up 1.5 regular hot dogs into 6 smaller pieces.  With less space, you can wrap the dough around the hot dog once, twice or three times.


TIP: To make the dough stick to the hot dog, make sure the hot dog is dry.

One more time, cover the buns with saran wrap and let it rest for another 45 minutes.  After 45 minutes, you will see the dough expand again.  Before putting the sausage buns into the oven, remember to preheat the oven and cover the bun surface with the (1/2 egg) egg wash.  The purpose of the egg wash is to give the beautiful golden color on the surface.

再一次,用保鮮膜掩蓋然後靜置45分鐘。 45分鐘後,您會看到麵團再次膨脹。在放入烤之前,切記要先將烤預熱並用1/2個蛋的蛋液覆蓋麵包表面。雞蛋液的目的是讓麵包表面烤出漂亮的金色。

Preheat and bake:
~Preheat oven for 10 minutes~
Regular Sausage Bun: 400 F for 14 minutes
Mini Sausage Bun:  375 F for 12 minutes

普通腸仔包:400 F,烤14分鐘 
迷你腸仔包:375 F,烤12分鐘

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