Tuesday, June 9, 2020

[Travel] Yosemite National Park Reopens for Summer 2020 優勝美地國家公園將於2020年夏季重新開放

Yosemite National Park Reopens
According to the Yosemite National Park's official web page, it plans to reopen 6/11/2020 at 7:00am pst.  In order to enter the famous National Park with your vehicle, you must have
an in-park reservation or permit, or a day-use reservation.   

根據優勝美地國家公園的官方網頁,它計劃在美國太平洋標準時間7:00 AM重新開放。 要開車進入這個著名國家公園,您必須擁有進入公園內預約或許可證,或日間預約

Online reservation for Day pass is available as of today 6/9/2020 at 7am pst.  Currently, only 1,700 Day passes are available each day from 6/11-7/31/2020 and they are going fast.  Due to rapid changes in information, check out this link for all updated information on Yosemite National Park COVID-19.  This link will take you straight to the reservation.

在線預訂當日通行證於2020年6月9日早上7點開始提供。目前,  日期已開放從2020年6月11日至7月31日每天只提供1,700當日通行證,而通行證門票正在迅速消失。由於信息的快速變化,請查看鏈接以獲取有關優勝美地國家公園COVID-19的所有更新信息。此鏈接將直接帶您到預訂。

1) $35 One Day Pass includes $33 Entrance Fee and $2 non-refundable Reservation Fee (only 1 pass per vehicle)
      $35 一一日通行證包括 $33的入場費和 $2不可退還的預約費(一張通行證限一輛車)
2)  $2 non-refundable reservation fee if you hold an entrance pass
如您持有國家公園入場證,只需支付 $2不可退還預約費

You must enter the park on the day of your reservation between 5am-11pm each day.  Then,  your day pass will be valid and can be used for 7 consecutive days during the designated time of 5am-11pm each day.  If your initial visit occurs after the day of the reservation, the day pass might become invalid.

必須在預約當天凌晨5點至晚上11點之間進入公園。當您的通行證,您可以連續7天指定時間 (凌晨5點至晚上11點)內使用。如果您當天預約, 您的通行證可能會失效。

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