Tuesday, June 30, 2020

[Travel] How to reserve day-use permit to visit Yosemite National Park 如何預約當日通行證去參觀優勝美地國家公園

How to reserve day-use permit to visit Yosemite National Park 
***This link: https://www.recreation.gov/ticket/facility/300015 will take you straight to the Yosemite National Park Ticketed Entry Page.***

***這個鏈接:https://www.recreation.gov/ticket/facility/300015 將直接帶您前往優勝美地國家公園去預約當日通行證。***

Step 1.  If you don't have an account, you must create one first before making a reservation.  Go to Sign Up at the top right corner of the page.  You will need to input your first name, last name, email and phone number.  Then, click on the blue Sign Up button.  Go to your email to confirm and follow the instruction to create your password.

SKIP Step 1 if you already have an account.

步驟1.  如果您沒有帳戶,則必須先開一個帳戶然後再進行預約在網頁右上角, 按 Sign Up 註冊輸入您的名字,姓氏,電子郵件和電話號碼。然後,單擊藍色的Sign up 註冊按鈕。轉到您的電子郵件進行確認,然後按照說創造密碼。


Step 2.  Click on Log In at the top right corner of the page.  Enter your email and password.

步驟2. 點擊網頁右上角Log In 登錄。輸入您的電子郵件和密碼。

Step 3.  Once you are log in, go to the Guests drop down menu.  
步驟3. 登錄後,進入Guests 訪客下拉菜單。

Step 4.  Choose the number of permit you need.  If you are driving a car or motorcycle, choose Vehicle 7-Day Entry or Motorcycle 7-Day Entry.  If you already have a pass, choose the Current Pass Holder 7-Day Entry.  If you plan to buy the pass at the gate, choose Buy Pass Upon Arrival 7-Day Entry.

步驟4.  選擇當日通行證的數量。如果您駕駛汽車或摩托車,請選擇 Vehicle 7-Day Entry 車輛7天進入或 Motorcycle 7-Day Entry摩托車7天進入。如果您已經有通行證,請選擇 Current Pass Holder 7-Day Entry現時通行證持有人7天進入。如果您打算在門口購買,請選擇 Buy Pass Upon Arrival 7-Day Entry 到達後購買當日通行證”。

**At this time, Yosemite only allow you to reserve 1 permit.**


Step 5.  Click the Close button.

步驟5. 點擊 Close 關閉按鈕。

Step 6.  Pick a date that is available.  If the box is blue, the date is available.  If the box is grey, the date is sold out.  If you see a grey box with blue strip, Yosemite will release the remaining available tickets two days prior.  For Time, you can only select 5:00AM.  Next to 5:00 AM, it will show the number of tickets still available.

步驟6.  選擇一個有空位的日期。如果框是藍色,日期有位。如果框灰色,這日期已售罄。如果您看到藍色條紋的框,優勝美地將在兩天前釋放剩餘的通行證。對於 Time 時間,您只能選擇5:00 AM。 5:00 AM旁將顯示仍可預約的票數。

Back on June 9, 2020, I released a post about Yosemite reopening.  It was a lot easier to reserve a day pass because not too many people knew about it.  Now, 80% of the regular day pass for June and July are already sold out so you will have to wait for Yosemite to release the 80% of August day pass on July 1, 200 at 7am pst.  If your schedule is flexible, Yosemite releases the remaining 20% of the day pass two days prior to the date that you want.  Don't give up and keep checking.

在2020年6月9日,我發布了有關優勝美地重新開放的帖子。預訂當日通行證容易得多,因為並沒有太多人知道​​。現在,80% 六月和七月的當日通行證已售罄因此您等待優勝美地於2020年7月1日上午7點釋放八月的日通行證。如果您有靈活的時間表,優勝美地會在您需要的日期的前兩天釋放剩餘的20%的門票。不要放棄並繼續看。

***If you are lucky enough to get past Step 6.  Go to Step 7.***


Step 7.  Now you have 15 minutes to finish from Order Detail to Confirmation.  On the Order Detail page, confirm the information is correct.  Then, read the NEED TO KNOW.  After reading, check the box that say "Yes, I have read and agree to the Need to Know information."

步驟7. 現在您有15分鐘的時間去完成 Order Detail 訂單詳情Confirmation 確認 的過程。在 Order  Detail 訂單詳情頁上,確認資料正確。然後,閱讀 NEED TO KNOW 需要知道的內容。閱讀後,選中 “Yes, I have read and agree to the Need to Know information.  是的,我已經閱讀並同意需要知道的信息。"

Step 8.  Click Proceed to Cart.

步驟8. 點擊 Proceed to Cart 繼續購物車

Step 9.  Now, you will be at the Shopping Cart Page.  Click on Proceed to Payment.

步驟9. 現在,您將進入 Shopping Cart 購物車。請點擊Proceed to Payment 續付款

Step 10.  On the Payment page, input your credit card information.  Then, click Next.

步驟10. Payment 付款 頁上,輸入您的信用卡資料。然後,點擊 Next 下一步

Step 11.  On the Payment page, click Confirm after you input your credit card information.  It will take you to the confirmation page.  Also, you will receive two emails from Recreation.gov.  One is Order Receipt and the other one is Reservation Confirmation.  Your Reservation Confirmation will include your ticket in the form of pdf.  

步驟11. 輸入您的信用卡資料後,Payment 付款頁上,點擊 Confirm 確認。它將帶您到確認頁面。此外,您還將收到Recreation.gov的兩封電子郵件。一個是訂單收據,另一個是預訂確認。您的預訂確認電子郵件中將包含pdf格式的當日通行證。

The purpose of this page is only to serve as a guide.  Please read all the information at the Yosemite National Park official web page before heading out to the park.  Due to COVID-19, information is constantly changing.  


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