Monday, August 24, 2020

[Recipe] Double Chocolate Chip Cookies 雙倍巧克力曲奇


Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

~Levain Copycat Less Sugar Version~

雙倍巧克力曲奇 (NY Levain 山寨少糖版)

This recipe can make about 7 chunky cookies.


Unsalted butter 113 grams ..... 無鹽牛油 113 克 
Brown Sugar 100 grams ..... 紅 100 克 
White Sugar 20 grams ..... 白砂糖 20 克
Non-Dairy Powdered Creamer 30 grams ..... 非乳奶精粉 30 克

Combine cold butter, brown sugar, white sugar and non-dairy powdered creamer until they turn into a creamy texture. 

***If you are using a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer, mix the ingredients at stir setting then slowly increase setting to level 6.  Let it mix for 5 minutes.***

 將冷牛油,紅糖,白糖和非乳製奶精粉混合在一起。 一直攪拌到變成奶油質地。

***如果您使用的是Kitchenaid立式攪拌機,則在攪拌設置下將配料混合。然後, 將設置慢慢提高至6級。將其攪拌5分鐘。***

Egg 1 ..... 雞蛋 1 
Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 25 grams ..... 無糖可可粉 25 克
All purpose flour 98 grams ..... 通用麵粉 98 克 
Cake Flour 58 grams ...... 蛋糕粉 58 克

Add egg, unsweetened cocoa powder, all purpose flour and cake flour into the mixture.


Corn Starch 1.5 grams ..... 玉米澱粉 1.5 
Baking Powder 2 grams ..... 發酵粉 2  
Salt 2 grams ..... 鹽  2 

Continue adding corn starch, salt and baking powder.  

***Again, start at stir setting and let it mix until all the ingredients are combined before increasing the setting to level 6.  Let it mix for 3 minutes.***


***再次,從攪拌設置開始,攪拌到所有成分混合在一起。然後, 將設置提高到6級攪拌3分鐘。***

Semi-sweet chocolate chips  113 grams ..... 半甜朱古力粒 113 克

Finally, add semi-sweet chocolate chips to the cookie dough.  Set the mixer to level 4 and let it stir for 2 minutes.  Freeze the double chocolate chip cookie dough for 30 minutes.  Scoop out the cookie dough one by one with a spoon and put it on parchment paper.

 最後,在曲奇麵團中加入半甜朱古力粒。將攪拌器設置為4級,並攪拌2分鐘。然後, 將雙倍巧克力曲奇麵團冷凍30分鐘。冷凍後,  用匙羹挖出7個小奇麵團放在防油纸上準備烘烤。 

Preheat and bake:
~Preheat oven for 10 minutes at 410 F~
Bake at 400 F for 15 minutes

~  將烤箱預熱10分鐘設定410 F ~
在 400 F下烘烤15分鐘 

After baking, let the cookies rest for 10 minutes.  

Enjoy this yummy crispy double chocolate cookie with a soft and gooey center. 

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